Christ in the Feasts

Jewish Calendar--Color

In December of 2011, the Lord drew me to study the seven feasts that Israel observed (see Leviticus 23).  Throughout 2012, I studied the feasts off and on.  My church also let me teach about each feast as it came up on the calendar.  Gradually, I organized my notes into a new booklet, and I’m pleased to make it available on my page of Old Testament booklets.

As the title suggests, my studies have focused on how Christ fulfilled the feasts.  This approach is certainly not new.  Paul said that the feasts and other observances of the law were “a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ” (Col. 2:17).  New Testament authors discuss four of the feasts and their fulfillment in Christ.  These are Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, and Day of Atonement.  There is no specific commentary on the other three feasts–Pentecost, Trumpets, and Tabernacles.  That said, the scriptures do provide clues to help us see Jesus in these feasts.

Part of my research on the feasts included reading what others had to say.  I have found other viewpoints instructive and continue to read them as I find them.  Hebrew4Christians provides a wealth of helpful information about the feasts.  Jason Henderson of Market Street Fellowship also offers intriguing thoughts in The Feasts of Israel.

One thing I’ve learned is that Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles are usually understood eschatologically.  That is, most Christians believe the fulfillment of these feasts is connected to Christ’s second coming.  While I respect the thinking that has led others to this belief,  I have reached a different conclusion.  This isn’t something I’m dogmatic about.  As I said, the New Testament doesn’t offer commentary on every feast.  That means doing our best to make sense of ambiguity and trusting God with our interpretations.

If you are at all interested in Israel’s feasts, I hope you’ll check out the booklet.  My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will change us into the image of Christ as He is unveiled to us in the Bible (2 Cor. 3:14-18).

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Miklós says:

    Huge work Teague! Thanks! A lot to think about. : ))) Your post inspired me to think about feasts from the perspective of the seven Spirits. Well, there are some differences, may be because of the different perspective. My notion anyhow, about these things is quite under construction… : ))

    1. mrteague says:

      Miklos, thanks for checking this out. Let me know your thoughts on the booklet if you get to read it.
      When you talk about looking at the feasts from the perspective of the seven Spirits, I assume you’re referring to Revelation 4:5? That would be interesting 🙂
      God bless!

      1. Miklós says:

        Yes Teague, those are mentioned in Rev 1:4 and 4:5, but I have nothing more to say, than what I have written, it is an on going journey… 🙂
        I will come with my thoughts on your booklet too, as I will have progress in reading and thinking, probably mainly about the last three. I think it is a good idea to post sections from your booklet here, in your blog, as you have already done with others. Blessings! 🙂

        1. mrteague says:

          Sounds good. I will pray about posting sections from the booklet about the feasts. Good idea!

          1. Miklós says:

            This morning I added this sentence to the post Menorah.
            The 7 gates of the Temple, the 7 Congregations, the 7 Beatitudes, the 7 Feasts, the 7 branches of the Menorah, are the manifestations of the 7 Spirits of God, the Holy Spirit, who is One Spirit as a Person, but 7 Spirits regarding His attributes, containing the fullness of God.
            This is how I understand it at the moment, and waiting for input from others… 🙂

          2. mrteague says:

            Yeah, I was reading your post last night. It’s a lot to think about so I didn’t comment but I’m processing!

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