
This post is also available as a podcast: *** A month or two ago, a friend acquainted me with a band called My Epic. I was checking out some of their songs when one came on with simple, prodding piano. Singing started but I really wasn’t paying much attention. The music continued to build….

Published in Heart of Flesh Journal!

In 2020, the Lord prompted me to be more intentional about writing and reading poetry. One aspect of that has been submitting poems to journals. I am happy to say that, by August, I will have had three poems published! (If you’d like to learn more about my poetry, visit my poetry blog: A Wandering…

Picture Jesus

Periodically, the Voice of One features guest posts by my friend, Cameron Fultz. Cameron and I connected about 10 years ago over a book he wrote called Jesus Pictures. Since then, Cameron has written a score of books sharing how he sees Jesus in Bible stories. I share this approach to scripture, and we can…

Weakness: Escape it or embrace it?

Two weeks ago, my friend, James Acree, preached at his church on 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. This has been a precious passage to me the last 10 years or so. Among others, the Lord has used it to completely reorient my faith. (For my thoughts on these verses, click here and here). I really appreciated what…

And Death Shall Have No Dominion

Last year, I became acquainted with a poem by Dylan Thomas called, “And Death Shall Have No Dominion.” Like Thomas’s other poems, it is filled with dense and sometimes startling language. I doubt I understand it any more than I understand Thomas’s other poems. But I try 😉 The quality of Thomas’s faith also isn’t…

The Newness of Spirit Podcast

Mallory Patrick has been a guest writer on The Voice of One. Mallory is my sister-in-law and founder of Gathered Fragments Book Sanctuary.  Gathered Fragments seeks to preserve books of all times and places that present Christ crucified. Recently, Mallory launched a podcast called “The Newness of Spirit.” If your heart is hungry for spirit-given teaching about…

His Voice in My Heart

Some years ago I came across a blog entitled, “Wordscroll.” I noticed immediately that this blog was different; the posts were all written in first person as words from God. Now, I’ve hung around charismatic and pentecostal circles for a long time and heard lots of “words” before. Some have been rich with the Holy…

Babe of Bethlehem

About 20 years ago, my wife and I became acquainted with the music group, Nowell Sing We Clear. We were immediately struck with the way their lively music focused Christmas on Christ. Truly, they sing nowell clear. “Babe of Bethlehem” is one of their songs I’ve come to love because of its presentation of who…