
This post is also available as a podcast: *** A month or two ago, a friend acquainted me with a band called My Epic. I was checking out some of their songs when one came on with simple, prodding piano. Singing started but I really wasn’t paying much attention. The music continued to build….

Poured Out on i-Tunes & Amazon

In December of 2020, I released a CD called, Poured Out. I mainly shared it with family, friends, and people at church. However, I wanted to make it more widely available, so I released it on i-Tunes and Amazon. It might be available on other streaming services as well. Earlier this year, I shared a…

This Is My Father’s World

The Lord recently touched my heart through the hymn, “This Is My Father’s World.” (Hear Gungor’s rendition here). The words and tune project a childlike confidence: everything is God’s and He is lovingly involved with all. Nothing can change that, and nothing can threaten the soul that rests in such a Father. The text of…


“Lies” is a gorgeous grief-ballad by Glen Hansard. It tells the story of a relationship that dies by degrees, almost unnoticed by the couple. One striking section of lyrics goes: Maybe if you slowed down for me I could see you’re only tellin’ lies, lies, lies Breakin’ us down with your lies, lies, lies When…

When the Wind Blows

In December, I finished a new CD of songs the Lord has given me over the years. The album is called, “Poured Out” and centers on themes of communion—the Lord pouring Himself out at the cross as well as our participation in His death and life. The bread and wine of communion ceremonies depict these…

Lord of the Dance

“Lord of the Dance” is a hymn written by Sydney Carter in the 1960s and set to the Shaker tune, “Simple Gifts.” I have been unable to get it out of my head. For over a week, this song greets me when I get up and pops in my head throughout the day. Even when…