
This post is also available as a podcast: *** A month or two ago, a friend acquainted me with a band called My Epic. I was checking out some of their songs when one came on with simple, prodding piano. Singing started but I really wasn’t paying much attention. The music continued to build….

Comfort in Extremity—Christopher Harvey

I am reading through The Oxford Book of Christian Verse. Over the years, I have enjoyed a number of Christian poets from Ben Jonson to Mary Karr. This volume contains favorite poets like John Donne and George Herbert, plus many others I’ve not read. This past week I read a poem by Christopher Harvey, a…

Less Is More

I threw my back out last week, resulting in pain and loss of function for a few days. Due to some parallel circumstances, I found myself thinking about the post below, which I wrote about 8 years ago after having ankle surgery. Its relevance is perennial; I find I need to meditate on it again…

Bears All Things

Sketch by Patrick Murphy: “Love…bears all things….” (1 Cor. 13:6-7). Considering what Jesus suffered when He died on the cross, is there anything the Lord wouldn’t call us to bear in love? We all have an internal line that says, “I will only take this much and no more.” This is fine because it…

Repackaged Lie

We all fail in many ways, as James chapter three points out. Some flaws persist for years with only modest change. Recently, I was praying about one of my ongoing flaws. I have told the Lord more than once I never want to fail in this particular way again. I was telling Him this again…

No Mistake

This is something the Lord said to me years back that I’ve been thinking about: “You are not your mistakes. You are my son.”

Dead in the Water

Not long ago, I was going about my day when a bit of pride strutted through my soul. I can’t even remember what it was about. But my reaction was, Ugh. Every thought of my mind is only evil all the time! I realized I was paraphrasing Genesis 6:5, where God is grieved he made mankind because…

Patrick of Ireland—Frank Johnson

This post is by Frank Johnson, a friend and Pastor at Chestnut Street Baptist Church. I thought I would share it in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. *** Imagine: You are 16 and walking along the beach with your family. You see about 50 longboats sailing toward shore. Fierce soldiers get out of the boats…

Jesus Our Drug Lord…?

WARNING: THE FOLLOWING CONTENT MAY CONTAIN SNARKINESS Recently, I read a couple things about obeying God.  Both were clear obedience was not required for salvation.  So far, so good.  But the writings didn’t stop there: God provides for us and blesses us only if we obey; if we don’t obey, we won’t grow in holiness….

Giving up Infinity

The story of my conversion appeared in our local paper this past weekend. It was adapted from a previous post. Merry Christmas! *** At Christmastime we celebrate the incarnation, when God became human in the person of Jesus. I cannot think of the incarnation without remembering the day I met Jesus. My freshman year at…