Direct Experience of God? (Part 1)

Whether or not we can experience God directly is something Christians have discussed and debated since…I don’t know when. I can’t say from biblical times because it is impossible to read the Bible without seeing that the authors expected to experience God directly and did. But somewhere between now and then, this basic expectation changed….

Abandonment to Divine Providence

Last year, I read, Abandonment to Divine Providence by Jean-Pierre de Caussade, a Jesuit priest (1675-1751 AD).  In Abandonment, Caussade explores complete submission to the will of God (“divine providence” being another term for God’s will).   Caussade explains, “In this state they give up to God all their rights over themselves, over their words, actions, thoughts, and proceedings;…

Oh Behave!

I had the following published in the religion column of our local paper, though they changed my fun title into something pedestrian. This was adapted from a previous blog post, ”In.” *** In First Thessalonians chapter four, Paul discusses behavior and growing in separation to the Lord.  For many—Christians and non-Christians—following rules and behaving is…

Bart Simpson Christianity

This week I am unexpectedly busy with projects, some of which have deadlines. As I prioritized things, I thought I should take a break from blogging this week, which is important to do from time to time. But when I asked the Lord about it, He said, “Who is your source?” As usual, the Lord’s…

One Thing…

During church this past Sunday, the Holy Spirit stirred my heart; I found myself drawn to Jesus, desiring Him more, wanting to know Him more…something along those lines.  It was sort of undefined. Later that day, I spent time with the Lord.  I felt the same calling—not to ministry or activity, just to Christ within….

Dream Sonnet III

This is the third in a series of sonnets. (Read the first here and the second here). My aim was to create a dream-like quality by connecting images inwardly more than outwardly. To me, using a structured form like the sonnet was an interesting contrast to the less structured content. III. Wandering over fields, a…

Divine Nature Ancestry (DNA)

Genesis 24 finds Abraham getting on in years. He asks his head servant “who managed all he owned” to find a wife for his son, Isaac.  Abraham insists his servant not find a wife for Isaac among the Canaanites; he asks him to return to the land of his family to find a wife for…