Disgrace (Part One)

The law commands that unclean things be separated from clean.  After blood from the sacrifice was taken into the most holy place on the Day of Atonement, the animal’s body was taken outside the camp and burned (Lev. 16:27; Heb. 13:11).  The animal (who was innocent) took on the spiritual filth of the people.  Yet…

Poured Out on i-Tunes & Amazon

In December of 2020, I released a CD called, Poured Out. I mainly shared it with family, friends, and people at church. However, I wanted to make it more widely available, so I released it on i-Tunes and Amazon. It might be available on other streaming services as well. Earlier this year, I shared a…

The Newness of Spirit Podcast

Mallory Patrick has been a guest writer on The Voice of One. Mallory is my sister-in-law and founder of Gathered Fragments Book Sanctuary.  Gathered Fragments seeks to preserve books of all times and places that present Christ crucified. Recently, Mallory launched a podcast called “The Newness of Spirit.” If your heart is hungry for spirit-given teaching about…

One Thing…

During church this past Sunday, the Holy Spirit stirred my heart; I found myself drawn to Jesus, desiring Him more, wanting to know Him more…something along those lines.  It was sort of undefined. Later that day, I spent time with the Lord.  I felt the same calling—not to ministry or activity, just to Christ within….

Hope for Narcissus

Narcissus is a character from Greek mythology.  He was a stud, a real looker, who fell in love with his own reflection when he saw it in the water.  A couple fun facts: the English word “narcissist“ is a variation of Narcissus’s name.  We use it to describe people whose self-love is over-the-top.  For some,…

Time for a Break!

No, I haven’t broken any bones. I’m just taking a short rest from blogging 😉 Feel free to browse past posts or booklets available on The Voice of One. At the bottom of the page, there is a list of blogs I follow. I consider every blog I follow worth reading. You might find some…

Anchor and Bedrock

The following is an excerpt from my personal journal, written in June 2020. It’s raw in places but we’re all feeling a little raw so I thought it might encourage someone else. *** Today, coronavirus restrictions are in their 13th week.  Protests and riots over the murder of George Floyd are going into their 3rd…